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Fear is the enemy of a person. Anderson always tells me “Fear itself isn’t the problem, it’s okay to be afraid. It’s not okay when you allow your fear to control you.

Let me fill everyone in on a weakness of mine, a big one.

I am a very fearful person. Yeah, very!

2 nights ago I had a very interesting dream. I’m not one to normally share my dreams like that so publicly. But this one caught my attention.

The dream started with me being surrounded by a group of 10-15 people. We were all on a hiking trail. Ahead of us I see a man leading the way.

We got deeper into the path and he started presenting me, my past.

I saw scenes of different people that hurt me emotionally and physically throughout my life. I realized at that moment that throughout my life I let these peoples negative comments get to me, so much to the point of allowing fear to truly grow in my heart and thoughts.

As I kept walking this man began to take the group through several obstacles. It was finally my turn, and what do you know? I was scared. Yeah..

This man told me I needed to jump over a cliff onto a pointy rock in order to finally jump on another batch of rocks that were piled up one on top of the other and balance myself.

I thought “This guy must be crazy! No way in heavens am I doing that!

(The picture sums up how I felt lol)

He looked at me with a peaceful smile and said “Trust me..

Something about this man gave me peace and I didn’t even hesitate, so I jumped!

I got on the pointy rock and finally got on the batch of rocks. I began to balance myself and this man told me to lay down on the rocks, close my eyes and in the count of 3 to open them.

I did.

When I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful scenery. Makes my eyes water just imagining the picture in my head. He asked me “How do you feel?

I answered “Peaceful, happy, accomplished, like I can do anything!

At that moment I looked down and saw I was really high up! I started freaking out! The rocks started moving around!

He yelled “Don’t let fear in! Balance yourself! That’s the only way for you to stay alive!”

I got as still as I could and finally the rocks got still. And then I woke up. Looked over and saw my kitten between Anderson and I. My husband peacefully sleeping and my other cat to my right side sleeping. I started meditating on the dream.

I bet everyone guessed by now who that man was. Funny thing is I don’t remember his face, I just remember how his character fit in perfectly with Jesus’s. Kind, loving, peaceful, a great teacher, patient.

As the day progressed I kept putting the pieces together. Last week I was getting attacked with thoughts of fear. I was beginning to feel anxious, scared, worried for simple little things. I was even beginning to break out a lot! This wasn’t like me. I was a hot mess. I remember telling God one day “Just show me something, anything, please…

God showed me that I first need to forgive anyone who’s said anything negative to me as I was growing up and to not determine who I am based on what people say or think. Ever!

He showed me I needed to trust more in Him. That I was going to continue to have to face fear but I can’t let it get in the way of the things I want to do for Him. To push myself and I will and can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

And lastly to live a balanced life.

Talk about a life lesson in one night! And I didn’t need to pay a therapist. All free people! All free..

I choose to not let fear control me. Meditate today “What things do I feel sometimes control me?

change · Emotions · Him · Life · Love

The corn maze

Both Anderson and I love challenges. Seriously! Ask anyone we are close to and they will tell you how we tend to get competitive and take our games seriously. We did the good ol’ escape room, love love playing board games, games that challenge the brain and now finally checked off our bucket list is the famous corn maze.

Since last year Anderson has been talking and talking about visiting a corn maze. Thanks to Groupon and it’s great deals we were finally able to make that want into a reality. So thanks Groupon!

That night we got ready for the chilly weather awaiting us, put on our best walking shoes, and left! When we arrived we saw a sign with rules right in the entrance to the corn maze. One that caught my attention was “no shortcuts”. I didn’t make much of it and we finally went inside.

I saw dozens and dozens of people walking in circles confused. 10 minutes into the maze Anderson says “That’s it! I’m making a map that way we don’t continue to walk in circles!” I said “Okay sounds good!” He started the map and all was well.

The deeper we got into the maze and the more time went on we saw different types of people. Some were actually cutting through the maze to find a way through, other groups were splitting up trying to find a out, others were just standing around laughing, and here we were taking the game so seriously like our life’s depended on it or something. Lol

40 minutes into the maze and we weren’t going in circles anymore. More then an hour passes and we were doing well. Up to that point we met a couple that showed us a map of the entire maze and that’s when we realized we were walking in the opposite direction.

Anderson and I get the map and notice there were numbers. We forgot about his map and started to follow that one. Let me save everyone the time and tell you we got lost!

Like super super lost! We noticed trails were ruined! Thanks to non other then the people who cut through.

Up to that point we were both frustrated, hungry, and just wanted to leave. Anderson asked me up to that point “Do you want to just cut??” And I stayed quiet. It wasn’t like him to say something like that. We hate it when people cheat in a game and hate the easy way out.

5 seconds pass and he finally says “No! We’re not cutting, we are doing this the right way!” I agreed and we continued.

Did we get out? No. Lol The workers came to look for us and it turns out we were the last car and last people to leave the entire farm. Talk about determination.

We got our complimentary donuts and apple cider. (Amazing! There’s nothing like freshly pressed apples!)

As we were heading to go get some food, we laughed and talked about our crazy night and realized something about ourselves and life.

1. We never give up.

2. We were both willing to finish that maze even if we had to stay there till 2am.

3. We worked great as a team.

4. We must never lose focus.

You see, to us, this was more then a game. We discovered that night that this maze represented life itself for us. We didn’t want to take the easy way out, didn’t want to give into short cuts. We wanted to finish that maze the right way.

In life, we can either take the “easy route” or take the harder path. The easier path might be better to walk in. There probably won’t be as much discomfort and there will be a lot of conforming.

The harder path, this path is the one where we will feel discomfort, change, and pain.

Yes, this is the one God wants us to follow. Discomfort shapes us and makes us hopeful, and change doesn’t happen from one day to another. Change is hard people! Anyone that says otherwise is truly mistaken. Pain will definitely be a big enemy and doubt.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying God’s path is a nightmare.

Yes there will be trials, pain, and probably moments where you think “this is impossible to finish..“.

But our reward when we get to the end, that reward, it’s going to be great! Along the way we will face trials and doubt but God is always there to shape us, give us the answer and of course, the way out. That’s why in this path it’s important to keep your focus on God!

And for all those married couples.

If you are married, never leave your partner behind. Anderson and I realized that night that we worked great and better when we worked as a team. We decided to change some things around in the way we plan, organize, and schedule things in order for us to start working together more.

So many lessons learned while being stuck in a corn maze. Will definitely visit again next year!

Emotions · Him · Life · Love

A day full of surprises

Have you ever pictured something in your head? Had a plan in my mind of how it would turn out? And the excitement you felt to see it all come together?

*raises hand up* yup I have.

That was my case during my weekend in Niagara Falls. You see, this was my first family vacation and well I already had a certain expectation of how things would go. I just didn’t think it would go the way it did.

Here’s where my story begins:

Friday night my husband runs down the schedule to everyone. We go to sleep and Saturday morning a few of us slept in. What can I say? It was a long ride, added on with work that week. We were all tired but no one was more tired then my husband. Poor guy..

We all finally get up and leave to Niagara Falls State Park. Here’s where the day begins to get interesting..

Just our commute to Niagara Falls took more then 1hr 1/2 due to someone in the family deciding to go their separate way and not following us. Therefore we had to wait, wait, wait! Second we finally find parking in all that traffic but when we go inside the park we can’t find half the group! Added on with no signal in the park we were more then 1/2 hr looking for them!!


Finally we found the group! But only to find a HUGE line to enter the Maid of our Mist boat ride. My husband and I decided to let everyone go eat lunch while we waited in line, we told everyone to bring something back for us to eat. I didn’t mind, I always have fun with my husband.

(While we were waiting in line..)

At last! We were all finally inside waiting to go inside the elevator to take us to the boat road. We all had forgotten the stressful morning and finally started to enjoy the trip. A few minutes later we see a short loud lady walking while screaming saying..

“You all should go get your money back!!! There’s a more then 2 hr wait downstairs just to come back up!! People have fainted downstairs!! You should all leave!!!”

My husband and I froze with a “are you kidding me!?!” look on our faces..

People started leaving the line and we began to wait a little longer to see what would happen. The news just kept getting worse and on top of that we saw fire trucks pulling up and staff members rushing to help people. I really couldn’t believe it..

Finally I decided to go ask and well my family decided to just wake up early the following day to go on the boat ride. But then here came the fun part! Waiting on line again for the boss to sign our tickets so we could come back the next day while hearing a mean lady scream at him. Truly felt like a reality tv show lol.

I was honestly fed up. I just wanted to go back to the house we were renting, snuggle under the blankets, watch a movie and call it a day! My husband seeing and knowing me comes to hold my hand and persuaded me saying:

“Who cares what happened or what people did today.. we came to have fun! Don’t give up please.. come with me and let’s make a new schedule with activities for today..”

I didn’t listen at first but then something snapped and remembered nothing good happens when I don’t listen to him.. therefore I went with him and my nephews. Plus it was my husband’s weekend for crying out loud!

Good thing I listened! Cause from that moment on I had such an amazing day!!!

We walked through the park and saw beautiful scenery. My husband drove us to a beautiful lake by the area, we went to eat and went to cave of the winds during night!!! (if you ever go I recommend going at night.. so beautiful!) I was blown away by the scenery and the jaw dropping rainbow at night! No lie!

But what put the cherry on top to my night was the beautiful fireworks by the decks of Cave of the Winds.

As I watched the fireworks, beautiful Waterfalls with amazing lights, the city in the background, I truly felt blessed. I took a minute to breath in and take everything in. If there’s anything I learned from that day it’s this..

Bad things will always happen. We don’t have control over the things that happen to us, we do have control however on how we react to those sticky situations. Thanks to my husband’s push and words I pushed myself to make the best of my day. Like he told me on the way back home from the trip “Good things don’t just come out of nowhere, you work to make them happen..

It was truly the best day ever (so far) of 2018!

Emotions · Him · Life · Love

The vision I didn’t expect

God talks to us in many ways. Through mature people of God, His word, visions, prayer and sometimes dreams. Before I jump into my story I need to rewind a bit.

This past weekend was my husband’s birthday. As a treat my family, his and us went to Niagara Falls. Boy did we have fun! I was happy to see everyone happy when we saw the Falls, most importantly see my husband happy since it was his weekend after all.

Anyhoo, I’m back to reality now but I can’t help but thank God for helping us, guiding us and giving me the opportunity to share another birthday with my husband. I began to reminisce on a vision God gave me as we were engaged. Let me set the scene..

Here we are two youngsters just recently engaged. With a different concept of marriage and what’s expected of us. We were just starting to fix the details to our wedding and well, like any other couple, we were excited! Now onto the story..

One evening I had just gotten back home from work. I was exhausted but felt the need to talk to God. I feel dreaded both physically and spiritually. Let me tell you not a good combination. At that moment I decided to pray.

I began to pray for guidance and so much more. Then I prayed for my future marriage and asked God to show me what he wanted from my future husband and I. I couldn’t help it but at that moment I broke down in tears and right then and there God gave me a vision.

The vision went a little like this. I saw myself in a really white room. I could barely detail the room because I noticed a really bright light coming from behind me. At that moment something told me I needed to go to that bright light.

I look back at the room and see my now husband Anderson. I saw him with little infants helping them walk to this bright light. I saw him taking the time to teach them to walk, training them to walk to this light on their own. He was giving them love, patience and care. Then I look back at myself and saw myself yelling out at a group of young kids to hurry to the light before it goes away!! To go quickly! I looked like a military Sargent lol. I noticed both my husband and I so focused on this goal to getting as many kids and infants to this light, we were on this mission together.

After seeing this I thought “oh God wants to use my husband and I in the Sunday school department!!” Or so I thought..

A few years pass. I completely forgot about that vision. Last year, kinda around this time I was praying for God to keep my husband and I on his path. I was telling Him that we wanted to do what He wanted not what we wanted. God at that moment brought to my memory that vision. I felt like at that moment He wanted to show me something.

He showed me that the kids and infants wasn’t something literal, they represent those just learning to walk in His path. They represent all people that are spiritual kids or infants. I was blown away and began to cry. To this day when I think about that vision I get a little chocked up.

To think God can use anyone. Someone so imperfect like my husband and I. People with flaws, that have made mistakes, that are still learning to walk this path everyday. And to know I get to walk this path and share in this journey with non other then my husband, my best friend, my partner in crime, my baby.

If you are reading this Anderson, I love you and let’s see where God takes us together.

change · Emotions · Forgiveness · Him · Life · Love

The kitten and the cut

Do you have anyone in your life that as much as you try to stay mad at them, you just can’t? Yeah well, that pretty much sums up my relationship with my husband Anderson.

Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. It was a normal night. We were heading home from work and we were talking with one another. As we were talking both of us misunderstood something in our conversation and got upset.

Of course we were quiet for the rest of the ride up until we got home. (I wasn’t going to cave in for that cute face! Lol jk)

I was drinking a fruit smoothie and reading. He was in the bathroom. We would both look at each other every now and then when we noticed the other one wasn’t looking but wouldn’t talk. (Who’s been there!?)

A few moments pass and I see my kitten Mickey playing by my feet. Suddenly I feel him trying to climb my leg. He loses his grip and what do you know? He digs his claws in my leg and I scream out loud of pain!!! Poor little guy is still learning.. wasn’t his fault.

Anyhoo, there I am screaming. At that moment my husband runs from the bathroom scared and sees what happened. We both looked down and noticed that I started bleeding. He immediately takes me to the bathroom to clean my cut and put Vaseline on it. We began to talk as if we were never mad and cares for me as if nothing ever happened. I felt loved and taken cared of at that moment.

Of course after a while we discussed what happened in the car and we both explained the confusion to one another.

Today as I was looking at my cut I noticed it healed reasonably fast over night! If my husband hadn’t cleaned it and given it the proper care, honestly it would’ve been redder or infected today.

(Trust me, it looked worse 😖)

It made me reflect on life, anger, resentment and forgiveness. My husband often compares forgiveness to an open cut. In the moment of finding out whatever got you upset you obviously feel pain. If it’s not properly cared for your life will be infected with bitterness and lots of resentment.

If you care for it the right way with God’s word, meditating on Him, His love, and mercy. Trust me that cut will heal.

Of course. When you pick on a scab it will get infected again or probably even get worse. When you forgive someone. You must actually forgive them. Not go back to the problem or bring it up again days later. I mean God doesn’t work that way, why should we???

God constantly forgives us day after day. Why shouldn’t we?

P.s- My husband and I are heading to Niagara Falls for his birthday weekend! Will post lots of silly cool pictures.

Emotions · Him · Life · Love

My fault

It was a long sleepless night.

For those of you that haven’t read my last post. I am sick. Yes sick sick. Probably the sickest I’ve been in a while since changing my way of eating. Now with that being said let me narrow down my night.

10pm my husband and I are in bed ready to sleep. As I’m tossing back and forth moaning of pain I finally managed to sleep. It wasn’t till 2am that I was woken up with a sharp pain in my stomach, nausea and body ache. My husband decided for us to go to the Emergency Room.

And so our sleepless night began. Tests being run, blood taken out, and lots of waiting. Final diagnosis? They didn’t have one. They said I need to go see a specialist to see what triggered the pain. My symptoms didn’t line up with a stomach virus I guess?

Anyhoo, as I was meditating on all of this today I thought to myself “Ruth you could’ve avoided all of this mess if you wouldn’t have step foot into that place..” Maybe I’m being to hard on myself. The thing is though, I’ve learned these past few months that this body was given to me by God and it’s something I must dearly take care of and love.

Monday afternoon, choosing to eat at a place I knew had a bad outcome was entirely my fault. For that bad decision I face the consequences. Missed day of work, not able to do my weekly tasks, sleep is all over the place, had to visit the ER, and of course I messed up my immune system.

Old Ruth, silly emotional Ruth would have thought “oh that devil is trying to get me bad today by getting me sick….”. I honestly giggle thinking how naive I was. Till this day my husband and I smirk at each other whenever we hear anyone blame every little problem of their lives on the devil. When most of the time THEY GOT THEMSELVES INTO THAT BAD SITUATION! Talk about a smack on the forehead moment!

Yes the devil is evil and mean. But we need to own up to our own self made bad decisions. God gives us knowledge and wisdom to do the correct thing day by day. He wants us to put that knowledge and wisdom into practice. I for one learned that this week the hard way.

Everything we do has a consequence. Let’s choose carefully what we decide to do.

Emotions · Forgiveness · Him · Life · Love · Uncategorized

Word vomit

Have you ever heard the phrase word vomit? I for one first heard it watching mean girls as a teenager. (Poor Regina George lol)

If you haven’t heard it, word vomit can be defined “as a point in a conversation where you say something that you really didn’t mean to.” Yeah I think we’ve all had our share of word vomit at any point of our life’s.

So here I am today, laying with my faithful companion cat, sick! Not going to pretend that I had nothing to do with it, cause I did. Bad decisions have ugly consequences.

I guess my story starts a few months ago when I decided to begin meal prepping healthier foods. Specifically gluten free, dairy free recipes. This all started from a lovely nutrition podcast and finding out my husband was lactose intolerant. Long story short, My husband and I decided we wanted to start a healthier way of living.

Results? No tummy aches, no eczema, feeling more awake with a lot more energy, noticing we’re slowly losing weight, and a few other pros.

Now here’s the cons. Anytime my husband or I eat out at a restaurant blindly or eat something containing any ingredient we know we have a sensitivity to, well our bodies react quicker now. Bad rashes, irritable bowel movements, feeling tired, the list can go on and on.

I guess our bodies are just not used to certain foods now. That’s where my sick story comes in..

Yesterday my husband and I decided to eat out. We wanted to just relax not worry about anything and just enjoy the day together. We saw a buffet and we thought “oh we haven’t gone there in a while! Let’s go! Yay! It’ll be fun!” Yeah right!

Oh makes me shiver just thinking about all that unhealthy food I put into my stomach. *shivers*

When we left the buffet my husband felt a little weird but he didn’t get sick. (Lucky him!) I on the other hand began to feel the sensation to throw up. I decided to ignore it and get on with the day.

Later that day I’m sitting in bed feeling my body weird. I didn’t have energy to get up and clean, or do my daily duties. I knew something was up. I went to bed and I randomly get a phone call from someone I don’t talk to a lot.

I picked up and well.. I wish I didn’t pick up. Long story short this person was telling me that some people were saying some unnecessary comments about my husband and I. What did I make of the situation? I put the call on mute and had two decisions.

1. Do something. Act out of anger and talk bad about these people and/or set them straight in person. Or 2. Do what Jesus did and say and do nothing.

I decided to go for do.. nothing. I’m not going to pretend it didn’t affect me though. It did. I’m not even close to those people nor did it surprise me when I heard it was them. It was just sad to see their true fruits that day. Added on with my stomach ache. I felt my emotional and physical scale all over the place.

It wasn’t half an hour yet when I got a fever. My body was aching and I felt the need to vomit. I hate vomiting, therefore I waited to see if it would go away. Finally it was nighttime, my husband gave me some ibuprofen to lower the fever. But at 3AM I got woken up with pain and a strong sensation to throw up.

I walked quickly to the bathroom and vomited, yup.. the food I ate at the buffet. While I was there by the toilet I began to think about the phrase “word vomit”. I was too out of it though, therefore I went back to bed.

In the morning meditating on yesterday’s phone call and my early morning share of vomiting. I thought about word vomit a little more. I couldn’t help but think how words can have the power to lift people up and also tear them apart.

I began to also think that we are all humans and bond to make mistakes. I put myself in those peoples places. I make mistakes daily.

I had the choice whether to eat clean but I choose something I knew would affect my body. I mean look at me now, stuck in bed sick.

I don’t know if these people talked too much out of lack of self control in the moment or if they did it with bad intentions. I mean I wasn’t there, for all I know the person that called me could be adding his/her own version of the story.

All I know is that I can’t be mad or point fingers because I’d be a hypocrite. Plus I’m not going to act like I haven’t ever “word vomited” either. So yeah..

God also tells us in the Bible

“Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].”

‭‭EPHESIANS‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭

When God talks about our speech He simply isn’t just talking about not cursing. He’s talking about gossip, saying things to other people to make a person look bad, saying unnecessary comments, etc etc. He wants the way we talk to reflect Him. He wants our speech to be a blessing to His body and those outside watching us.

Therefore watch and control what conversations you get into and be alert what words come out of your mouth. I definitely will. Starting with what food I put into my mouth lol.

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Two imperfect people

Happy Friday everyone! Before I start this post I would like to introduce everyone to the newest member of the Marquez clan.

Meet Mickey! My little lion cat. Don’t let his cute face fool you because he can be evil. But gotta love him right?

For today’s post I would like to share something God showed me this week. But before I jump into that I first need to share something about my husband and myself first…. We are two imperfect people.

I know… that’s random Ruth. But I’m not ashamed, or care what others say or do. It’s the truth. And I promise it’s relevant to what I’m going to be talking about. With that being said, here’s where my story begins..

Anyways, this week on Monday afternoon I finished cleaning as Monday’s are cleaning day in the Marquez home. When I finished I felt the need to sit down for a moment to meditate on His word before my husband got home.

I opened up in Luke 7:36-50.

Let me play it out for you. Jesus goes to a Pharisee’s home. Of course that doesn’t stop Jesus from speaking truth. You can already imagine how juicy it gets from here..

Without them noticing a woman from the city comes in and begins to clean His feet with her tears and hair while kissing them too, and anointed them with oil. The Pharisee was disgusted that this woman was even touching Jesus as records show this woman was possibly a prostitute. She was an outcast in society, a sinner.

Jesus compares this situation to two debtors. One owed 50 denarii and the other 500. (Note: a denarii was a entire days wages)

The creditor forgave them both and Jesus asked the Pharisee, “Who loved the creditor more?” And the Pharisee said “The one whom he forgave more..”

The thing is Jesus came to die for everyone for we all sinned. He showed me that in life there will always be two types of people.

The one that owed the 500 denarii are those like the women that cleansed Jesus’s feet. She made mistakes, sinned, had her flaws, had hurt, pain, but knew her condition. She wasn’t blinded to the debt she owed Jesus.

The one that owed 50 denarii are those similar to the pharisee’s. They think 50 denarii’s are the only debt they owe to God. Yet deep inside their hearts, God sees them for who they truly are. Their thoughts, heart, things they do behind everyone’s back. They are blinded. Fogged from the many more debts they owe Him.

Point is we all make mistakes and have flaws. We are all imperfect people because we are on the path of perfection. Therefore no one is more saint then someone else. Just cause someone’s problem isn’t out in the open like other people doesn’t mean they don’t have struggles.

Jesus says something to the Pharisee that had me in awe and tears.

“Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.”

LUKE‬ ‭7:47‬

keyword: for she loved much

This woman approached Jesus not just with the most expensive oil, or simply just weeping. What drew Jesus to forgive her was the type of attitude she had. She knew the person she was, the things she’s done, probably people she’s hurt, etc etc. She wanted to be rid of that debt in her life.

God taught me something that day.

People that refuse to confront themselves, their sins, past, addictions, hidden hurt, pain, etc, will never fully understand or comprehend the profoundness of His love. They won’t understand because they aren’t living it, experiencing it firsthand in their life’s.

I can tell you over and over again both my husband and I have made mistakes, had hurt, pain, etc etc. Like I said in the beginning my husband and I are two imperfect people. But God never turned us away in a moment of repentance.

Because of that I can’t help but cry whenever I think of the person I was and the work God has done in me. I had a debt and daily ask God to rid me of any debts I might owe and don’t see.

Are you ready to rid yourself of yours???

Emotions · Him · Life · Love

You know who you are

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready to start this week! Unless you can totally relate to Ms Meow’s “Five more minutes please!” pose..

I would like to dedicate today’s post to my amazing friends. (You know who you are)

For anyone that knows me they know I’m a crazy outgoing person. I love people and I love making all people laugh. But for me to open up or let people into certain parts of my life is reserved for only a handful of people. Yes, handful.

I’ve learned (the hard way) to be very very careful who I let into my life. Sadly, in today’s society, you can’t really trust a lot of people. Even the Bible tells us “cursed is the man who trusts in man..” So I guess this has always been a problem?

To put it into short words, ain’t nobody got time for that! Life is short, time is precious, so pick your friends carefully! You’ll save yourself a good headache or two.

With life, responsibilities, and in my case marriage! One tends to get well.. busy! Somehow along the way you forget to think what might be happening in your loved ones life’s. This was my reality 2 weeks or so back.

About 2 weeks ago I had a busy busy week. (What else is new, right?) Trying to get my wifely duties done, plus constantly cleaning because we have a new baby kitten (that’s for another post), and getting things prepared for a teacher’s camp my church organization hosts every year.

I had so much on my mind that I forgot I hadn’t contacted my mother for a few days. I decided to call her that second otherwise I was going to forget later.

When I called her she gave me horrible news concerning one of our close family friends. I froze and forgot about everything that needed to get done that week. I sat on the sofa and just sunk in what I just heard.

I was devastated, shocked, overwhelmed, sad.. I can’t even put into words my emotions, I’d honestly write a whole essay. I felt like a part of my brain was snapped back into reality and my eyes were brought back to focus on the important things in life.

Time and love.

Time.. We can’t take life for granted nor waste time worrying on what is going to happen tomorrow or the day after. Live each day at a time. Enjoy it, laugh, and if something doesn’t turn out how you planned it. That’s okay! Life goes on..

Love. I love love. I can’t stop to explain how fundamental love is to everyone’s life. Not any ordinary love, or the love the world designed for everyone. I’m talking about Christlike love. Yes, that one. Love deeper daily. It won’t just bring happiness to those around you, but trust me. It will bring joy to your life as well.

Back to the story..

As I sat there alone. The Lord’s Prayer kept repeating into my head “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done..” I began to repeat it out loud as tears filled my eyes.

I don’t know what will happen with my friend. What I do know is that God’s will is perfect. We may not see the bigger picture but He does! Therefore I trust Him.

To any of my friends reading this (you know who you are), I love you. ❤️

Emotions · Him · Life · Love

The right one

Last week was very special in our household. My husband and I celebrated our 3 year marriage anniversary. Time has truly flown by quick!

So many lessons learned, growth and love tested these past 3 years. It made me reflect on the “dating phase“.

I met my husband through good old fashioned Facebook. We’ve seen each other in past church events but never got the courage to talk. He wrote to me and voooala! Here we are today, married.

I listen and observe a lot of young single girls and guys during that single stage and repeatedly hear everyone talk about “The right one“. Hearing over and over again “Im praying for the perfect girl or guy for me, the right one for me..”

That’s great. But… it’s a bit selfish.

When we start off thinking “I want someone good for me. I want the right guy to make me happy.. I want, I want, I want.” We are getting into a relationship with the wrong mentality and probably even marriage!

Love seeks the best for others. As young children of God you must strive to love how Christ loved the church. Which means,

Prepare yourself for your future wife/husband

It’s great to have a list of dos and don’ts. But what if instead of saying over and over to God what you want, you Invested your time to become the person YOU would want to marry.

I see more and more young people having an expectation of having a Prince Charming or a fairy tale type marriage but the reality is, that’s not true.

Marriage is not about expecting someone to make you happy like in Disney movies, it’s about making your partner happy everyday. That’s true love. Giving and not expecting anything in return.

Christ came here, to die, give, and love us unconditionally. He became human for crying out loud! He became a servant, slave, just to demonstrate what love and service to others was.

Be the person you’d want to spend the rest of your life’s with. It’s great to want so many things in a guy/girl, but do it yourself first!

Therefore look, pray, and invest your time to change and create good habits, practice His word, and God will take care of the rest. He knows our needs even before we state them to Him in prayer.

Start today praying “Lord help me and prepare me to become the person my future wife/husband needs me to be..”
