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The corn maze

Both Anderson and I love challenges. Seriously! Ask anyone we are close to and they will tell you how we tend to get competitive and take our games seriously. We did the good ol’ escape room, love love playing board games, games that challenge the brain and now finally checked off our bucket list is the famous corn maze.

Since last year Anderson has been talking and talking about visiting a corn maze. Thanks to Groupon and it’s great deals we were finally able to make that want into a reality. So thanks Groupon!

That night we got ready for the chilly weather awaiting us, put on our best walking shoes, and left! When we arrived we saw a sign with rules right in the entrance to the corn maze. One that caught my attention was “no shortcuts”. I didn’t make much of it and we finally went inside.

I saw dozens and dozens of people walking in circles confused. 10 minutes into the maze Anderson says “That’s it! I’m making a map that way we don’t continue to walk in circles!” I said “Okay sounds good!” He started the map and all was well.

The deeper we got into the maze and the more time went on we saw different types of people. Some were actually cutting through the maze to find a way through, other groups were splitting up trying to find a out, others were just standing around laughing, and here we were taking the game so seriously like our life’s depended on it or something. Lol

40 minutes into the maze and we weren’t going in circles anymore. More then an hour passes and we were doing well. Up to that point we met a couple that showed us a map of the entire maze and that’s when we realized we were walking in the opposite direction.

Anderson and I get the map and notice there were numbers. We forgot about his map and started to follow that one. Let me save everyone the time and tell you we got lost!

Like super super lost! We noticed trails were ruined! Thanks to non other then the people who cut through.

Up to that point we were both frustrated, hungry, and just wanted to leave. Anderson asked me up to that point “Do you want to just cut??” And I stayed quiet. It wasn’t like him to say something like that. We hate it when people cheat in a game and hate the easy way out.

5 seconds pass and he finally says “No! We’re not cutting, we are doing this the right way!” I agreed and we continued.

Did we get out? No. Lol The workers came to look for us and it turns out we were the last car and last people to leave the entire farm. Talk about determination.

We got our complimentary donuts and apple cider. (Amazing! There’s nothing like freshly pressed apples!)

As we were heading to go get some food, we laughed and talked about our crazy night and realized something about ourselves and life.

1. We never give up.

2. We were both willing to finish that maze even if we had to stay there till 2am.

3. We worked great as a team.

4. We must never lose focus.

You see, to us, this was more then a game. We discovered that night that this maze represented life itself for us. We didn’t want to take the easy way out, didn’t want to give into short cuts. We wanted to finish that maze the right way.

In life, we can either take the “easy route” or take the harder path. The easier path might be better to walk in. There probably won’t be as much discomfort and there will be a lot of conforming.

The harder path, this path is the one where we will feel discomfort, change, and pain.

Yes, this is the one God wants us to follow. Discomfort shapes us and makes us hopeful, and change doesn’t happen from one day to another. Change is hard people! Anyone that says otherwise is truly mistaken. Pain will definitely be a big enemy and doubt.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying God’s path is a nightmare.

Yes there will be trials, pain, and probably moments where you think “this is impossible to finish..“.

But our reward when we get to the end, that reward, it’s going to be great! Along the way we will face trials and doubt but God is always there to shape us, give us the answer and of course, the way out. That’s why in this path it’s important to keep your focus on God!

And for all those married couples.

If you are married, never leave your partner behind. Anderson and I realized that night that we worked great and better when we worked as a team. We decided to change some things around in the way we plan, organize, and schedule things in order for us to start working together more.

So many lessons learned while being stuck in a corn maze. Will definitely visit again next year!

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