Emotions · Him · Life · Love

A day full of surprises

Have you ever pictured something in your head? Had a plan in my mind of how it would turn out? And the excitement you felt to see it all come together?

*raises hand up* yup I have.

That was my case during my weekend in Niagara Falls. You see, this was my first family vacation and well I already had a certain expectation of how things would go. I just didn’t think it would go the way it did.

Here’s where my story begins:

Friday night my husband runs down the schedule to everyone. We go to sleep and Saturday morning a few of us slept in. What can I say? It was a long ride, added on with work that week. We were all tired but no one was more tired then my husband. Poor guy..

We all finally get up and leave to Niagara Falls State Park. Here’s where the day begins to get interesting..

Just our commute to Niagara Falls took more then 1hr 1/2 due to someone in the family deciding to go their separate way and not following us. Therefore we had to wait, wait, wait! Second we finally find parking in all that traffic but when we go inside the park we can’t find half the group! Added on with no signal in the park we were more then 1/2 hr looking for them!!


Finally we found the group! But only to find a HUGE line to enter the Maid of our Mist boat ride. My husband and I decided to let everyone go eat lunch while we waited in line, we told everyone to bring something back for us to eat. I didn’t mind, I always have fun with my husband.

(While we were waiting in line..)

At last! We were all finally inside waiting to go inside the elevator to take us to the boat road. We all had forgotten the stressful morning and finally started to enjoy the trip. A few minutes later we see a short loud lady walking while screaming saying..

“You all should go get your money back!!! There’s a more then 2 hr wait downstairs just to come back up!! People have fainted downstairs!! You should all leave!!!”

My husband and I froze with a “are you kidding me!?!” look on our faces..

People started leaving the line and we began to wait a little longer to see what would happen. The news just kept getting worse and on top of that we saw fire trucks pulling up and staff members rushing to help people. I really couldn’t believe it..

Finally I decided to go ask and well my family decided to just wake up early the following day to go on the boat ride. But then here came the fun part! Waiting on line again for the boss to sign our tickets so we could come back the next day while hearing a mean lady scream at him. Truly felt like a reality tv show lol.

I was honestly fed up. I just wanted to go back to the house we were renting, snuggle under the blankets, watch a movie and call it a day! My husband seeing and knowing me comes to hold my hand and persuaded me saying:

“Who cares what happened or what people did today.. we came to have fun! Don’t give up please.. come with me and let’s make a new schedule with activities for today..”

I didn’t listen at first but then something snapped and remembered nothing good happens when I don’t listen to him.. therefore I went with him and my nephews. Plus it was my husband’s weekend for crying out loud!

Good thing I listened! Cause from that moment on I had such an amazing day!!!

We walked through the park and saw beautiful scenery. My husband drove us to a beautiful lake by the area, we went to eat and went to cave of the winds during night!!! (if you ever go I recommend going at night.. so beautiful!) I was blown away by the scenery and the jaw dropping rainbow at night! No lie!

But what put the cherry on top to my night was the beautiful fireworks by the decks of Cave of the Winds.

As I watched the fireworks, beautiful Waterfalls with amazing lights, the city in the background, I truly felt blessed. I took a minute to breath in and take everything in. If there’s anything I learned from that day it’s this..

Bad things will always happen. We don’t have control over the things that happen to us, we do have control however on how we react to those sticky situations. Thanks to my husband’s push and words I pushed myself to make the best of my day. Like he told me on the way back home from the trip “Good things don’t just come out of nowhere, you work to make them happen..

It was truly the best day ever (so far) of 2018!

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