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The kitten and the cut

Do you have anyone in your life that as much as you try to stay mad at them, you just can’t? Yeah well, that pretty much sums up my relationship with my husband Anderson.

Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. It was a normal night. We were heading home from work and we were talking with one another. As we were talking both of us misunderstood something in our conversation and got upset.

Of course we were quiet for the rest of the ride up until we got home. (I wasn’t going to cave in for that cute face! Lol jk)

I was drinking a fruit smoothie and reading. He was in the bathroom. We would both look at each other every now and then when we noticed the other one wasn’t looking but wouldn’t talk. (Who’s been there!?)

A few moments pass and I see my kitten Mickey playing by my feet. Suddenly I feel him trying to climb my leg. He loses his grip and what do you know? He digs his claws in my leg and I scream out loud of pain!!! Poor little guy is still learning.. wasn’t his fault.

Anyhoo, there I am screaming. At that moment my husband runs from the bathroom scared and sees what happened. We both looked down and noticed that I started bleeding. He immediately takes me to the bathroom to clean my cut and put Vaseline on it. We began to talk as if we were never mad and cares for me as if nothing ever happened. I felt loved and taken cared of at that moment.

Of course after a while we discussed what happened in the car and we both explained the confusion to one another.

Today as I was looking at my cut I noticed it healed reasonably fast over night! If my husband hadn’t cleaned it and given it the proper care, honestly it would’ve been redder or infected today.

(Trust me, it looked worse 😖)

It made me reflect on life, anger, resentment and forgiveness. My husband often compares forgiveness to an open cut. In the moment of finding out whatever got you upset you obviously feel pain. If it’s not properly cared for your life will be infected with bitterness and lots of resentment.

If you care for it the right way with God’s word, meditating on Him, His love, and mercy. Trust me that cut will heal.

Of course. When you pick on a scab it will get infected again or probably even get worse. When you forgive someone. You must actually forgive them. Not go back to the problem or bring it up again days later. I mean God doesn’t work that way, why should we???

God constantly forgives us day after day. Why shouldn’t we?

P.s- My husband and I are heading to Niagara Falls for his birthday weekend! Will post lots of silly cool pictures.

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